That being said, there's more to stiletto nails than just pointy tips. Like anything beauty-related, they're part art, part science, and there's a right way and a wrong way to rock them. There's also a lot of misconceptions about what a stiletto nail actually is. A lot of women think they're rocking stilettos when they're really wearing ballerinas or almonds. Not that it matters, as long as you're happy with your nails, but knowledge is power.
1. Acrylic Tutorial
If you're a fan of acrylic, you can get full acrylic kits in any drugstore. I feel like I should warn the uninitiated that acrylic takes practice. There's a reason an acrylic nail salon sits on every corner. But you'll never get it down if you don't start somewhere.
2. Gel Tutorial
Gels are so much easier than acrylics in my opinion, but you'll find plenty of people who believe the opposite is true. Gels also require a lot of somewhat pricey gear, but the results last a really long time and look really smooth.
3.The Shape
Just because your nails have a point doesn't mean they're stilettos. Stiletto nails are really pointy. If they're flattened at the top, they're coffin or ballerina nails. If they're rounded at the top, or if they're pointy but a little wide at the sides, then they're technically almond nails. Some of these tutorials veer more toward almond, but they will all give you the info you need to get your points on point.
4. Press-On Tutorial
Press-ons are cheap, easy to get your hands on, and a quick at-home solution. Plus, you can change them out or take them off whenever you're over them.